Welcome to the webpage of the Secunda Amateur Radio Club. We are a proud member of the South African Radio League. |
SECUNDA RADIO CLUB MEETINGClub Meeting - To Be AnnouncedVENUE: To Be AnnouncedSECUNDA |
Real-Time HF Propagation Prediction |
ZS6SRC - BACAR PROJECT - BACAR 11 LAUNCH DATE: 14 October 2025CELEBRATING SARL 100 Years AnniversarySecunda Amateur Radio Club - Balloon Carrying Amateur Radio Equipment Initiative1. BACAR 9 Flight Highlights Video - LAUNCHED 30 OCTOBER 20212. U-TUBE VIDEO 1 OF BACAR 8 LAUNCH - 2018 YOTA3. ZS6SRC BACAR BLOG4. HABEX5. SPUTNIK 1 - RUSSIAN INFO6. SPUTNIK 1 - NASA INFO |
MAKE NATURE YOUR SHACKWorld Wide Flora and Fauna in Amateur RadioThe WWFF program wants to draw attention to the importance of protecting nature, flora and fauna. In this spirit amateur radio operators set up and operate their radio stations from designated nature parks and protected nature areas – generating attention for these areas whilst giving the ham radio community an interesting activity to contact. WWFF is an international and non-commercial program run by the coordinators of a large number of national Flora and Fauna programs.WWFF:- http://wwff.co/about/ |
SECUNDA WEATHER - HOURLY UPDATEDUp-to-date weather satellite images recorded at Secunda, South Africa.& |
** As NASA’s Voyager 1 & 2 Surveys Interstellar Space **Voyager 1 Density Measurements Are Making Wavesclick here to read |
** Rocketry! The Fastest hobby in the world **click here to read |
The "DX Code of Conduct"Operators are urged to support it:* I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling. * |
TROPOSPHERIC DUCTING FORECASTTropospheric (a.k.a. "Tropo") DX modes are defined by the mechanics behind them. A Tropo DX mode is any condition that scatters, reflects or refracts signals in the Troposphere allowing long distance reception (and hence interference) to occur in the VHF, UHF and/or microwave radio bands. Refraction occurs when the normal Index of Refraction has been altered. Vertical boundaries between different types of airmasses usually cause this..where a temperature inversion (warm air over cooler air) exists. This causes signal enhancement. When the vertical boundary becomes especially sharp, the amount of refraction becomes so severe that signals extend a great distance as though caught in a duct...thus the reference to tropospheric ducting.Propagation:- http://www.dxinfocentre.com/ |